Under The Wire

Under The Wire

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Emule/Adunanza Problem: firewall configuration on Windows7

Hi, many people in this days are trying Windows 7 and many have some problem with Emule (Adunanza) or others file-sharing programs.

This problem, actually, is only a wrong firewall configuration. In fact, when Windows creates automatically the settings, it creates only outbound rules.

I recommend to create manual rules follow this method:

  1. start –> write “firewall” in search bar –> open first program in list1
  2. Click on “Inbound Rules”(on left) and then on “New Rule…”(on right)2
  3. Select “Port” –> next
  4. Select “TCP” and insert TCP port of Emule –> next. Default port is 4662, but I recommend to use different port, for example 4668.
  5. Select “Allow the connection” –> next
  6. Select “Domain”, “Private”, “Public” –> next
  7. Insert the name of new rule (ex. Emule TCP in) –> click finish                             345
  8. Repeat operations 2. and 3.
  9. Select UDP and insert UDP port of Emule –> next. Default port is 4672, but I recommend to use different port, for example 4678.
  10. Repeat operations 5. 6. 7.
  11. Click on “Outbound Rules”(on left) and then on “New Rule…”(on right)
  12. Repeat operation from 2. to 10.
  13. Now Windows firewall is set and now you can use Emule, but first I recommend to check the connection setting of emule:

    1. Open Emule
    2. Options –> Connection
    3. Insert TCP port and UDP port used on the rules
    4. Ok

    This method can be used also with other file sharing program like uTorrent, WinMX, DC++, Kazaa. If you want help or if you want give a piece of advice, give a comment.




thank you very much
tried it


i tried it but its still not working when i trie too download some music it says ERROR: failed to create part file does someone knows what that means?

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If any kind of firewall error please go through this site and a make a error free of your windows.
windows firewall error 1068 windows 7
Thank you

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